Impact Factor Reasons – is an important part of editorial Board and should be discussed as to what more could be done to improve Impact factor but never done so. Main points are Quality of Articles, high quality publication norms including language and related format, Foreign Article of quality and should be controlled by Foreign Advisors and coordinators, Timely publication and review of comments by Suscribers to improve. None is followed.
Article Auditing from time to time is necessary to judge by Springer team as were done in the past.
Standard to be maintained
- Is standard maintained by Articles from Foreign Surgeons?
- When Journal was Indexed in 2010, hardly any Foreign Article.
- Gradually Original/Review article quality improved and so also Impact Factor which can be seen in the Springers 2016 report which is attached.
- Number of Foreign Articles – Does it matter?
- Quality of Foreign Articles Are these articles are better than pending Indian Articles?
- Non Surgical Article –
- Ortho
- Gynaecology
- Neuro Surgery
- Anatomy
These foreign articles particularly China and Turkey, possibly did not get favour in their country and not published, but we obliged these authors and published low quality articles.
Aristocratic Attitude
(i)Till – April 2016 (Issue – 2)
Administrative page has Editor, Joint Editor, 9 category of Editor/Advisor
Since – Associate Editor – 16
Few names are more or personal basis then their Constitution to I.J.S.
Foreign – 12
No approval from I.J.S.
(ii)No distribution of Editorial work, to Joint Editor and Editorial Members as was done in the past.
(iii)All Editorial members and reviewing the articles as I.J.S. Reviewers numbering more than 150.
(iv)Never asked to write Editorial.
I.J.S. is the mouthpiece of ASI and main objective is to promote members to write articles, guide then to write articles and correct it, and improve standard of article. So many Conferences, Workshop, Seminar, CME’s are under going in whole country with very good presentation of Clinical interest and very good articles, but never approached to submit those article as used to be done in the past.
It is the responsibility of Chief Editor to divide work and follow academic activities to get best out of them.
Chief Editor is the main person between ASI, G.C. (Executive Body) and I.J.S. and Constitutionally responsible to update the I.J.S. performance and publication report regularly in G.C. meeting and apprise them of E.B. Meeting minutes and views of Editorial Board members performance and their views which never done.
Editorial Board meeting at Calcutta was not informed to many members and Springers publication report was also not presented.
Since 2013, minutes of the Editorial Board is never circulated after the meeting is ov er or even with the notice of the meeting. It is only read at the meeting, which hardly anybody remembers. These points were raised many times but never carried out.
In 2015 – 2nd G.C. was held on 20th December 2015. First GC and GB were cancelled due to Court order. But both parties of litigation compromised to hold both meetings, and same was informed to all members of ASI including GC members and Editorial Board member by SMS, Email and slides in every hall of Scientific Programme were presented for information, so good numbers attended G.B. on 19.12.2015 including yourself.
Why G.C. on next day (20.12.2015) was not attended by you. It was deliberate to support cause of Dr. S. Vasistha who took over as President ASI on 19.12.2015.
Two more G.C. meetings were held in Hyderabad and Chennai following decisions of Madras High Court of recognising elected members and allowed to functions, the same was informed to all by email. Even this Court order was ignored by you and did not publish the names of G.C. body including the President Elect in I.J.S. till one published and circulated in March 2017 (Issue-5, October 2016).
You never tried to contact President Elect for facts but obviously sided with Dr. S. Vasistha in not fulfilling legal responsibility but satisfied with one mail and sided him.
Constitution I.J.S. – Constitution passed many times in Editorial Board, as well in G.C. Following this passed in G.B. at Delhi, Kochi and Ahmedabad.
One point raised by you regarding the 3 years terms for one out of two joint editors and 5 out of 10 Associate Editors, was discussed in Editorial Board at Delhi on 17.07.2011 and later at Kochi 20.12.2011 , where question came to keep half of elected members for 6 years and half for 3 years, for 1st election only. While subsequently, every 3rd year along with G.C. members election will be held for 1 Joint Secretary and 5 Associate Editor. Thus always 50% of Editors will be experienced editors to carryout duties for next 3 years, while newly elected members for 6 years will have 3 years to work and gain experience. After 3 years 50% members who completed 6 years as Joint Editor and as Associate Editors will retire.
This procedure is adopted so every 3 years elections of 6 years term will be held after first election of Joint/Associate Editors. Every Editorial board member subsequently will be elected for 6 years only. All members agreed to this formula in Editorial Board as well G.C. and later in G.B.
In 2013 this was not put to practice and the election were held under old Constitution. Now the fresh election in 2018 will see this procedure of election –
(1)President for 6 years
(2) Joint Editor – (i)One for 6 years
(ii)One for 3 years
(3)Editorial Member – (i)5 for 6 years
(ii)5 for 3 years
(4)Subsequent election – (i)Chief Editor will be elected once in 6 years.
(ii)1 Joint Editor for 6 years
(iii)5 Editorial Members for 6 years
Half of the member of Joint editor and Editorial Board member will be elected every 3 years for 6 years term, similarly the other half will retire every 3 years after completing 6 years of terms.
This simple procedure was complicated. Dr. Shukla explained the same at Delhi and Faridabad (28.07.2011) and procedure discussed at Kochi on 26.11.2011 and 22.09.2012 in G.C.
Committee –
Members in different categories of Editorial Board are proposed by Chief Editor and approved by Board Members. Depending on performance status of reviewers and associate Editors the names are dropped or added or one with good academic record including experience in journal publication are nominated and approved by Board members
Since 20213 – New categories formed and new members added in Associate Editors without prior approval of Editorial Board. You (Dr. Chintamani) categorically named 3 members introduced to Editorial Board but no prior approval was taken.
Till 2013 – there used to be 10 members as Associate Editor, now are – 16 members few have hardly any academic publication and experience in journal publication.
Overseas Editorial Members are increasing in numbers. Is it to name them only or any help in our academic function? What is the contribution of these Foreign Advisors in IJS academic work? Usually these names are of high quality surgical field to guide to maintain standard of articles important from Indexing and Citation point of view
One group is – International Editor Coordinator – WHAT work was given to this group, and did they cooordinated in getting good articles from abroad or helped in getting better articles from Foreign Authors. Was this Audited in last 4 years to get better result and work systematically with planning to get positive result for I.J.S.?
Dr. Satish K. Shukla – Editor/Chairman 2013-14 was of no help to I.J.S. though have 10 years past experience as Editor and Chairman. His name is nowhere in any Editorial Group. Not even as Immediate Past Chairman/Editor, a position constitutionall provided.
As a part of I.J.S. Editorial Board, he is one of the members and always invited for I.J.S. meeting. Why his name was not in the group below – Chief Editor/ Chairman as Immediate Chief Editor/Chairman?
I.J.S. account is always presented to G.C./G.B. by the Chairman/Editor as a part of Constitutional responsibility. Springers present the Audited report and is usually approved by EB, GC and G.B. Royalty money to the amount of Rs. 25 lacs- 2010 to Rs. 50 lacs in 2012 were deposited in I.J.S. account. Chief Editor and Chairman is the Signatory. It is your right to get the Bank Account details either from office or even directly from the Bank as you are one of the signatory on line. If not cooperated by the office of ASI, did you contacted the Bank to give you an yearly Bank Account online? Bank will never refuse. What is needed is cooperation among ASI officials/office staff and I.J.S. No use of taking hard line at any point and blame others.
I.J.S. office Secretary was approved and one Girl was appointed in 2015. Springer agreed to give Salary and deduct from the Royalty money. No use of blamming President and Office. As a President Dr. Satish Shukla always cooperated and did not refuse any of your demand. He offered a seat close to President seat in G.C. meeting, though you ignored him and did not put his name till October 2016 (issue-5 for 2016) (received on March 2017) on his continuous insistence during EB meeting and on phone many times.This was done only after new body took over as ASI President and others.
I.J.S. printing and I.J.S. related issued to be dealt by ASI office.
Springer new contract was signed by you and discussed in detail point wise in EB. New clauses were added but you assured to run it smmothly. If the conditions were not suitable, a second option could have been searched. Dr. Satish Shukla was the President in 2014 ,had all knowledge of past two contracts as signed by him and could have been help to you but never taken positive help, but some referring points in I.J.S. Board meeting. Except for the period of 2016, at no time ASI office refused to cooperate.
In 2016, you did not have any I.J.S. meeting and also did not attend G.C. meeting on 14.12.2016 and 19.12.2016 but shown your inability due to Examinations and other duties. As per Constitution, you should have given the responsibility to any of your Joint Editor or Members attending ASICON at Mysore Dr. Ajay Khanna and many elected board members attended and none was asked to represent I.J.S. in G.C. meeting is irresponsible action and if connect it to your actions in 2016, seems towing line of Dr. Vasistha. All mails from Dr. Shiva K. Misra and Dr. Santhosh regarding legal cases and decisions at different courts at Gurgaon, Rohtak and Hon’ble High Court Chennai clearly gave Judgement in favour of Dr. Shiva Misra and rejected all motivated allegations. With such a bad time in most of 2016, when things started improving, you should have taken this opportunity to contact new office bearers before ASICON with I.J.S. problems and set up a committee with new Leaders and solved the problems. In your reply blamming the officials throughout, not judging your own efforts in solving with cooperation and mutual understanding. Dr. Shukla being Past Editor and Chairman and also Past President ASI could have been a bridge to influence ASI official and get work done. No such efforts done. Dr. Shukla did not attend I.J.S. Board meeting at Gurgaon as mentioned in your reply.
I.J.S. members and I.J.S. publishers report are not sent to members before the E.B. meeting as done usually to be attached to agenda, so members can read and comment if necessary.
As per ASI-office I.J.S. annual report and audited report was not received hence not printed.
I.J.S. Articles –
If we go through the article published before 2013 and after 2013, there is a vast different in article published from Foreign Authors than Indian Authors both in Original / Review articles and Case Reports, without appreciable change in impact factor an International ratting among surgical journals.
6 issues from December 2015 to October 2016 (Just Published and received)
Total -62 – original / review articl. 26 – Indian Author (41%) and 37 – Foreign articles (59%)
Case Report/ Image
Total – 35
Indian -21 (60%) and Foreign -14 (40)
Type of article – not of high quality but same as Indian Authors (Contents pages are attached to review by any one)
– Nerve block analysis in pain- 2 articles
– Literature analysis of the treatment of Benign Oesophageal diseases with stent.
– Thoracoscopy – 2 articles – unresectable Ca Oesophagus – Bypass operation – PET Scan in Ca (Radiology)
– Thoractomy for Traumate diaphrigmatic Hernia
– Primary closure following Laproscopic C.B.D. Exploration
– Reversal of Stomas
– Pancreatic duodenal trauma Review
– Pancreatic Necrosis percutaneous drainage
Two Editorial -Basic Physics – Revisited for Surgeon (J.Rajkumar)
Basic Chemistry – Revisited for Surgeon (J.Rajkumar and Chintamani)
Article of Anatomy-Cadenauic study of Anomolous Origin of Taticular artery (Aug-2015)
Analysis of a Conference IASG – Analysis of the origins Subjects and Awards Received for presentation at the Annual IASG (Dec. 2015)
– Gynaecology
As per Springer – 2016 publisher report the statistics are eye opener.
From 2013 to 2016, gradual increase in submission of articles, with rejection rate around 80% and acceptance rate of 20%. Average time period from submission to first decision 45% day (2013) to 85.7 day (2015).
Articles accepted (2005) – India 101 (377) and Foreign 65 (264)
2016-India-65 (329), Foreign 29 (301) Gradual increase in submission of article from China and Turkey as more number of these articles are published then Indian Authors, encourages Foreign Authors to submit articles as these articles are not suitable for publication in there Country’ Journals.
Considering the type of article of Foreign Countries mostly China and Turkey, which are of poor quality, the Indian Authors are suffering and better quality articles go outside the country.
Among 200 Surgical Journal published by Springer I.J.S. is ranked 193 not a healthy number and proves – not much value of Foreign Articles of poor quality.
Timely publication of I.J.S. is an important criterion of Journal Indexing and impact factor. October 2016 (4th issue) is published recently received in first of week of March 2017 (4 month late).
If quality of articles are the sole reason of publication, how you justify publication of non surgical articles and very basic and poor quality articles from China and Turky as above. Do you think pending Indian Author articles are poorer in quality then these above articles?
As in the past before 2013, I.J.S. Editorial Board decided to encourage Indian Authors and help in improving their articles. Collect good articles presented in different conferences giving such responsibility to different associate editiors etc. Quality of presentation in ASICON, State Chapters and Speciality Section and many Theme Based Conferences are of high quality. Efforts not made to get them and improve I.J.S. quality of articles, rather publish Foreign Articles if poor quality.
Regarding holding two scientific paper writing workshops at Hyderabad and Gurgaon, member of Editorial Board with articles published on this subjected were not involved and not consulted also (Dr. Satish Shukla published three articles on – (1) Responsible Writing I.J.S 2009 71:115:17C and (2) How to write Scientific Paper I.J.S.-2007-69:43-46 (3) How to Review an article IJS 2010 72:93-96).
In 2012, when Dr. Chintamani was the Secretary and Dr. Ramakant was the President ASI show cause notice was given to Dr. Barun Sinha and Dr. Karwasara and Dr. Bakshi. While G.C. meeting was called to listen to their side of story and give answer to allegations, Dr. Chintamani disappears from the scene and others have to deal with the situation. He was reprimanded for his action by G.C. and G.B. but on personal apology were condoned of the allegation.
Similar attitude has been shown in 2016, keeping quite not holding I.J.S. meeting, no communication with Editorial Board or teleconferencing and avoiding attending G.C. meeting on some pretext, and not nominating any one to represent I.J.S. to keep side with others. This behaviour of avoiding truthful situation to some personal cause is anti- association.
All information of calling meeting from Gurgaon onwards had been sent through electronic media, SMS, Emails, Website, which were ignored and not responded, as no written notice was given is apathetic attitude to serve some other agenda and unpardonable.
Constitution of ASI and I.J.S. approved and passed many times as above, and then as senior responsible G.C. members and leading I.J.S. on highest Constitutional position, cannot show ignorance of both Constitutions, as you were witness to all such meetings from 2010 onwards. Showing ignorance is to shield hidden things only.
In ASI office only three meeting minutes are available dt. 15.08.2013, 01.06.2014 and one 2015 Delhi meeting Springer office.
Attachments –
(1) The contents page of IJS volumes 1 to 5 of 2016 to confirm above observations.
(2) IJS Constitution
(3) Springer 2016 publication report