( Brief Summary)
My interest in metabolic changes in different Cancer started following International Conference on Magnesium at Indore (India) 1995, led to 7 thesis for MS Surgery on Copper, Zinc and Magnesium level in Blood and Cancer tissues. Study was done in Ca-Breast, stomach, Colon, Oral Cancer and thyroid with variable levels in different Cancers, suggesting prominent role of Mag and Zinc.
At American College of Surgeons 100+ Annual Conference in October 2014 in San Francisco, Martin Memorial Lecture was given by Dr. W. Marston Linehan from Bethesda on “Targeting Genetic and Metabolic basis of Cancer”. This gave endepth glimpse of changing perception as to cause of Cancer and its Genetic role but Metabolic pathways in body leads to Genetic mutation and its effect – CANCER.
YOSHINORI OHSUMI (Japan) Noble Prize Winner 2016 – on his work on Autophagy – Recycling its own compound, conserving healthy nutrients and sealing waste in AUTOFACO-SAC to its dust bean- LYSOSME.
Progress made in basic cause of Cancer with metabolic cellular processes coordinated by different enzymes in a Cell leading to Cell Mutation.
Future is to study the reasons for such metabolic changes in the body causing cell mutation – Cancer. It will be a change in total perception of management giving HOPE OF CURE.
Gene mutation is the Cause of Cancer OR Metabolic changes lead to Gene Mutation leading to Cancer.
Let us go into its complexities and get Answer.
Existence of Universal Galaxy been for years and years – and so also the existence of Sun. Life has been on Earth since millions of years, and presence of planets in Galaxy with unknown character?
Everything on Earth developed from Sun-Energy-giving Water, plants and Evolved species – later developed to Humans. Sun, Water, Plants – gives O2 in many forms and is supplementary to Life.
Species Genetics as per DARWIN – is a single cell theory of Evolution. Even in Millions of years Genetic differences are very little.
Human 100%, Chempangi 99%, Fruit 94%, Mouse 92%, Yeast 26%. CELL REVOLUTOIN – Its structure and components are presented.
Two main parts – Cytoplasm – MITOCHONDRIA
– Nucleus – Power House
Nucleus – Control Metabolism
– DNA – Genetic finger prints
GENE – Sequential coding of Nucleus acid and proteins with DNA and RNA a prototypes and messenger.
Please see its Nucleic acid and linear bar code – Thymine, Adenosine, Cysteine and Guanine (T,A,C,G – Alphabet of Chemical translation)
Human genetic sequencing is a complicate one with 3 billion – Genetic letters and perform all character and translation from chemical alphabets for better application controlling METABOLISM.
Cell structures of Human and Animal are same, but differ in DNA sequencing and Alphabets barring, and genomic molecules in linear base and its Nucleotide and Proteins.
– Plants have No Bones and Muscles
thus cell wall and sclerochoynine gives strength, celia works to transport fluid and energy.
Cell Plant has Choloropast plant for photosynthesis – self energy No Thymine but Uracil.
– Plant has sensations as seen in Sun Flowers, Touch (Mimmosa Pudica), Carnivorous plant (Darlingtonia Californica). It creates its own food and Regenerate its Damaged Organ something to duplicate in HUMAN?
– Hybrid Plant is gift of Genetic Engineering with better quality of Fruits and other food material.
Can plant genetic and its metabolic process be duplicated as a part of Genetic Engineering to produce High Quality Humans.
ANIMAL GENE – Hybrid specimen of Animals are present by Genetic variations and sequential processes.
– Genetic organ development in PIG as a part of Genetic transplant and variable chemical process is in progress.
– Human – Gene – Mystery
– All structures from Mitochondria to chromosome, to Golgi apparatus, Lysosome Rysosome – are full of hidden power and actions to regenerate its own sequences to keep healthy.
Cellular Metabolism and Cancer
– All above files are systemic metabolism going on in a Cell, providing Energy, Nutrients and removal of metabolites on auto instructions from Mitochondria.
– Enzymes – Pyruvate Kinase transfer phosphate group to ADP and ATP to give Energy.
– Anabolic and Catabolic process – basic Nucleotide activity of body metabolism.
– Electrolytes are important and work as Co-factor or Mediator,
– Help in transportation
– Induce Gene Expression
– Three types of such elements with active processes
– Enzymes cycles regulating different cell metabolism governed at strand molecules and nucleotide products in their metabolism Ketones and lactate – causes Cancer duct deficient cycle at moleculer level.
– Oxidative Stress – Gene Expression, Cytotoxic activation and signal transduction to Cancer.
– All chemical changes in a cell through various metabolic processes
– Gene – inherent mutated gene, but has trigger factors as age advances
– Warburg – Cell Metabolism – Resperiation and altered Oxidation leads to Cancer
– Cyclic Glycolysis
– Enzyme involved – Pyruvate Kinase (PKM2)
– Thompson – Confirmed this and postulated shift of Energy by Glycolysis if not present – Cancer will not develop.
– PET Scan are depend on Sugar Metabolism (Glycolysis)
– Clinical application – Dr. CHI DANG
– Check Glycolysis and Check Cancer
– Enzymes involved in Cancer
– Mitochondria – Power Plant, Centre of all actions and helpful in cancer prevention.
– Cell is like a factory and every body has assigned work to function to normal life of a cell. Any abnormal pathway leads to disorders but corrective methods do work.
– Only mutation does not result in cancer
– Mutation differ from patient to patient and different Genetic expression
– Clinically develop drugs to hold metabolic process (Oxidation process) to target mutated Gene.
– DNA-Mutation, with damage to Mitochondria – lead to metabolic changes
(1) Continue mutation
(2) Repair damage of Mitochondria
– PDH (Pyruvate dehydrogenesis) is protector Enzymes
Can this be used clinically?
– Inheritent Gene with risk of Cancer like breast is only 5 to 7%, but with Co- Trigger factor.
– Impaired Oxidation / Genomic Instability/molecules transformation of nuclectide and enzyme reaction, promote gene mutation.
– Cancer Nucleus transferred in normal cell – does not cause cancer.
– Transfer of normal Nucleus into a Cancer cell after removal of its Nucleus will cause Cancer (Mitochondria – Golgi are damaged)
– Metabolic pathways and chemical reactions of nucleotides, enzymes and elements trigger genetic mutation
– Ketones and Lactate promote cancer
– Menthol, Ethanol and Other check Anabolic Oxidation and Cell Mutation
– Free Radicle check Mutation
– Alpha Cyano – Check enzymeatic action in Gene mutation in Brain Tumor.
– Such high affinity molecules are developed, promoting, respiration and activity of MITOCHONDRIA.
Autophagy of cellular metabolites, saving useful components like Proteins while waste products are recycled and good products back in circulation. Discarded metabolites collected in see called Autophago.
– Christian Duve – 1963
– Yoshinori Oshumi – 2016 (Noble Prize)
– Phagocytosis is to develop and generate positive energy, prevent cancer, infection and prevent cellular diabetes. Help other cells for such process.
– Process of Autophagy
– Self generation of Body Proteins
– 200 to 300gm/day while total intake is not more than 70 gm/day
Oshumi – Key Gene leads to metabolic changes in cell cytoplasm transported to Nucleus and replace abnormal metabolites by healthy proteins and Enzymes, removing, disease metabolite.
15- Gene – works through encoded Proteins
CHEN YOU YOU, SATOSHI OMURI and WILLIAM CAMPBELL (Noble-2015) discovered Autophagy bodies in Vacuole named as Gene Autophagy (APG-1).
Various other genes, APG-1, APG-15 with various enzymes engulf metabolites
Various types – Selective Autophagy, Micro Autophagy
Immuno deficiency disorder
SCID – Faulty Gene doest not form an Enzyme. Remove some blood cells. Use virus to – Infact the cells with good ………. of faulty gene, are injected, leads to making mising enzyme.
FLAKE (2006) pioneered – Fetal stem cell transplant for Immune deficiency diseases and sickle cell anemia/thelessemia.
Thalasemmia – Identify Gene mutation in a patient’s – parent, and parent in next Generation are treated with Genetic engineering
– Fetus – Bone marrow transplantation not good result.
Human Genome Project
– To treat Diabetic, heart disorder, AIDs Parkinson and other Neurodegenerative disesases.
– Embryonic stem cell – promises for many diseasese like – Replacement Organ and Gene therapy.
PIG ORGAN – Transplant
– Human Gene to Pig DNA and later use Pig Organ.
– Successful Monkey gene to Pig DNA and transplant.
– Before Birth defect can be found by fetous fluid genetic study.
– Gene Therapy – addition of new gene in human cell.
Genome – Edition technologies – Genome manipulation to achieve therapeutic effect.
– Gene knockout/ Mutation
– Gene deletion
– Gene Correction
– Gene Insertion
– Zinc Nucleases finger
– Tolesis
– Meganuelcases
– CRISPR/ Cas nucleases
Specific targeted nucleases
Autologus T-cells are enginered to attack cancer centrigene and transferred to patient. (Immuno therapy + Gene Editing).
Relationship of Glucose and Ketones (phydroxy butyrate) in tumor management.
Success of Target therapy like Imatinib and Transtuzameb in managing Leukennis (BCRAB4) and Breast. (ErbB2 positive) depends on ability to target glucose metabolism.
But Calorie restricted KD (Ketote Diet) will target similar pathway in any cancer cell regardless of Mutation involved.
Dietary energy reduction – will simultaneously target multiple metabolic signalling pathways without Toxicity. These Non-toxic metabolic therapies might be better and effective alternating to TOXIC immunotherapies for Cancer when both therapies target has same pathway.
KD (Ketone Diet) strongly dependent on restricted intake, as consumption of KD in large amount can cause Insulin Insensitivity and Glucose elevation while diet has no carbohydrate. Humans do not take high KD as it contain high Fat amount.
– KD and hyperboric O2 therapies – Increase O2 reduces tumor cell proliferation
– Dependency on O2 and inability to use Ketones for energy make tumor cell vulnerable to this therapy.
– Radiation kills tumor cell + normal cell also. While KD + Pentose phosphate pathway – HBO2T- will kill tumor cells but not normal cell.
Glutamine has chemoprotective effect. Glucose and Glutamine target drugs are effective in killing metestasis cancer cells also.
Novelty of metabolic approach to cancer management.
Genetic role in cell mutation is known but Environment factor including diet and other triggering factor affect directly as well through Metabolic path ways.
Walburg (1981) theory of Glycolysis/ Oxidation providing O2 though is accepted with proving results.
Few Enzymes do check abnormal Metabolic path ways to check mutation and control cancer.
– Target theraphy still non specific needs more work.
– Genetic study in Animals and Plants – do help us the Universal phenomena of life and resembles in a larger way to achieve better human life.
– Metabolic drugs/ Gene transportation, stem cell, therapy, organ transplantation from Animal to Human may not be fantasy but TRUTH.