Festivals are the celebrations on the occasions, made by Human themselves considering their lives of life long years, and their efforts to tide over the bad times of sufferings by their firm belief of God and themselves, to hold together and work to survive and fight it together to defeat the bad and dark part of the living patch and came out to see light with relief, together and hold hands to pray GOD for their survival and giving life to serve the right path shown by him. These are the moment of Happiness which in true, same is only felt and you rejoice only with people around and express yourself, your gratitude for helping each other as a group with strengths and wisdom. It is the group of people you may divide into many groups like – family, friends, co-workers, business people and others like Religious also. But one word Community-describe all people and FESTIVALS – MAKE COMMUNITY HAPPY – individual and Collective, to bring inner bonding, and feeling of oneness with love and affection. It grows with the tune and to maintain continuous relationship, you name the occasions depending on the day of your happiness its cause, time and religion and LABEL AS FESTIVALS. This FESTIVALS make us remember the day of hard work to bring light in your life, help of the people and collective wisdom and their truthful participation. Such old memories gives us the strength and firm faith in our family and society. In between TOGEATHERNESS – make you strong to tide over all problems and bring people together with strong will and hard fist to bind together and GROW.
History of all our FESTIVALS give us the truth of our life and lessons from the deeds of our Ancestors, against many many odds to give better and loving days to celebrate it together and pay our GRATITUDE. In the process we remember many are GODS like RAM and KRISHNA, whose life is just like a cycle of our, though material change of the times. Best incidences without names, are a part of cycle affecting individuals and collective groups-call family, Society or Nations. In every action of our Ancestor LIFE – LABEL as HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, are more or less the same as of now and variations have of all kinds of guidance to help you rejoice it, make you. way on difficult path and keep together to REJOICE (FESTIVAL) and act with wisdom to grow (Learning from history of ours) so future generation will learn from actions taken in this era. MATERIAL OUTPUT CHANGES IN EVERY PART OF OUR LIFE LANGUAGE/DRESS/COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION/WEAPON ART. WITH THE TIME BUT EACH GENERATION LEAVES A LESSON TO LEARM THROUGH TEACHINGS (LITERATURES – RELIGIOUS – book)
Competition always will be among People or Group of people (Nature and Changes in thinking and actions will be accordingly depending on many preventing factor.
But HUMAN – factors always Survive, and Techniques give advantage and efficiency with proficiency during that time period but is self distractive.
HUMAN – FACTORS – is an individual PERSON – with total development to energize be body and MIND, through community preachings teachings, literature, mostly religious as it survive with the time in its holy places of TEMPLE OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP.
WE SURVIVED Millions of years, but available history in all religion are limited to few thousand years. We have history beyond RAM (10,000 BC), KRISHNA (5000 BC), CHRISTIANS (2500), Muslim ( ).
But Indian Mythology and VEDAS – Calculated that this SHRISTI (DUNIA ) is as old is the day on NAV VARSHA – First day of CHHAITRA NAVRATRI/GUDI PADWA.
INDIAN-VIKRAM SAMVAT – 2081 – ON – 10th APRIL, 2024..
All Religions started is much later part of this living planet, a very small part of its total existence. But even this small has given us the present World of many nations, many religions and many equilibriums to move around and change system as per strange and combined force of WISDOM – to live or destroy ourselves.