चिड़िय जब जीवित रहती है तब वो किड़े-मकोड़ों को खाती है और चिड़िया जब मर जाती है तब किड़े-मकोड़े उसको खा जाते है। ????इसलिए इस बात का ध्यान रखो की समय और स्थिति कभी भी बदल सकते है ????इसलिए कभी किसी का अपमान मत करो ????कभी किसी को कम मत आंको। ????तुम शक्तिशाली हो सकते […]
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Dear Colleagues, NAV RATRI Nine days of prayers of MAA DURGA with fast of food and thoughts (Body and Mind) to get solace,peace and comfort to purify our selves. We do hard work and involved in many activities with out pause,taking out our ability to relax and power of analysis. Our ACTIONS and REACTIONS are prompt with […]
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Dear all I am attaching the Bangkok Global Surgery Declaration, proposed initially by the Alliance for Surgery and Anaesthesia Presence at the World Congress of Surgery meeting in Bangkok, August 2015. The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) supports this Declaration, and on behalf of the President, Professor David Watters, we invite all international Surgical and Anaesthesia Colleges and […]
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There are two basic energy systems in physical world-Heat and Sound. Yagna energy is from both heat (fire) and sound of chanting mantras to get physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. Fumigation, vaporization and subtlisation of specific substances in the Yagna fire constitute a variable scientific method of sublimation of matter and expansion. its colloid state […]
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